Masterworks Fall Resources
Ian Coleman has generously provided us with a PDF of his new piece written in celebration of our anniversary.
Hogan's Battle of Jericho, Lauridsen's Sure on This Shining Night, Paulus' The Road Home, Rutter's Gloria (1st movement)
are available to us in hard copy only and will be available at rehearsal.
Hogan's Battle of Jericho, Lauridsen's Sure on This Shining Night, Paulus' The Road Home, Rutter's Gloria (1st movement)
are available to us in hard copy only and will be available at rehearsal.
Bach BWV50_Nun_ist_VS_PML |
Brahms Requiem Wie lieblich |
Coleman Gift of Song |
Faure Requiem Pie_Jesu |
Handel Messiah HallelujahChorus |
Mozart K618_Ave_verum |
Mozart Requiem Dies irae |
Verdi Va pensiero |
Small grp Mendelssohn Verleih uns frieden |
Small grp Morley Month of Maying |